Sunday 14 January 2018

Beeston Pro-Brexit Rally

Went to a pro-Brexit rally in Beeston yesterday. It was organised by the People's charter (see here) but seemed to have a lot of UKIP involved.

This rally was part of a series of rallied over the weekend, being held in the seats of remoaner MPs such as Broxtowe's Anna Sourberry. About 100 people turned up which wasn't bad.

People had travelled from as far as Doncaster & Lincolnshire to show their support for Brexit which was very encouraging. Speakers condemned the left-wing BBC and the Zionist establishment.

Remember the BNP are the original nationalist party and we will do everything we can to ensure that we get our Brexit and ensure we are in control of our own borders subsequently.

Remember, you can contact us with any local news or issues you want to raise via twitter @bnpnottingham, facebook or email

If you want to join the BNP phone 0844 809 4581 or else contact us and send a donation. Also contact us if you want to be added to our email distribution list (members and donors only) - this includes the details of our monthly meetings/socials.

Saturday 6 January 2018

New Year Musings

Happy new year to you all. I hope you had a nice politically incorrect Christmas!

Our new year message is keep fighting for the white traditions in the UK. Make sure you report any anti-white racism and rise up against it. We will win in the end. The current government is useless but once Brexit has been delivered, it should be easier for us to control our borders and sort out the immigration mess. We need to keep looking after our own. Please do everything you can to help the white community particularly the older generation.

NHS Crisis

I've fed up already of NHS crisis news and people blaming each other. We know what the problem is - it is the number of people using it which has massively increased. This has put the system under major pressure. There are immigrants and health 'tourists' getting off planes at Heathrow and going directly to hospitals for treatment.

The BNP is committed to rebuilding our NHS – a “Great British Institution” – stopping the 13 Billion quid of British taxpayers' money being sent abroad each year in foreign aid and spending it instead on healthcare in Britain, and stopping all immigration until the politicians' immigration shambles can be put right, which will serve to greatly ease the burden on our NHS.

Black Racist Convicted!

Good to see Black Racist ex-footballer & BBC Stooge Trevor Sinclair has been done for drink driving and abusing a police office - more here - One rule for the Black Racists and one rule for us - the establishment must never be allowed to win.


Who the hell does Tony Blair think he is? The Son Of God? He really is the only person who can unite all politicians and the public against him - put him on trial for his phoney wars!