Wednesday 5 September 2012


"I  am the Tory Party's Worst Nightmare.  I am  a White,  Tax-Paying, God fearing English  man.  I am a hard working Brit and I work  long hours to earn a living. 
I   believe in God and the freedom of religion, but  I don't push it on others.  I believe in  British products and buy them whenever I can.  
I  believe the money I make belongs to me and not  to some governmental functionary, to share with  others who don't work! 
I  think owning a home doesn't make you a   capitalist; it makes you a smart Brit.  I  think being a minority does not make you noble  or victimized, and does not entitle you to  anything.  Get over it.  Join in with  the majority! 
I  believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac,  you should do it in English.  I believe  there should be no other language option. 

I believe everyone has a right to pray  to his or her God when and where they want to.  

My  heroes are fellow Brits like Freddy Flintoff and  Winston Churchill  and I know I've missed a  few thousand!!!!!   I  don't hate the rich. What I hate is the way they  always manage to avoid paying proper  taxes.      I  don't pity the  poor, I just hate the way  they are always moaning that they are hard done  by!!    I  know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time  watching or arguing about it.
I  believe if you don't like the way things are  here, go back to where you came from and change  your own country! 
This  is ENGLAND.....We like it the way it is and  even  more so the way it stop  trying to change it to look like some other  socialist country!   If you were born  or legally migrated here and don't like it...  you are free to move to any Socialist   country that will have you.  I believe it  is time to really clean house, starting with the  House of Commons, the seat of our biggest  problems.

I want to know  where the  "Do Gooders" get their money from, and why are  they always part of the problem and not the  solution?
Can I get an AMEN on that one? 

I also think the cops have the right to  pull you over if you're breaking the law,  regardless of what race, colour or creed you  are.
      And,  no, I don't mind having my face shown on my  driving licence.  I think it's  good.... 

I  dislike those people trying to guilt me into  making 'donations' to their cause....Get a job  and support yourself and your family!

I  believe 'illegal' is illegal no matter what the  lawyers think!

I believe the Union Jack  flag should be allowed to be flown anywhere in  the United Kingdom !

If this makes me a  BAD Brit, then yes, I'm a BAD Brit.  If you  are a BAD Brit too, please forward this to  everyone you know....

We want our  country back!   My Country.....  
   I  hope this offends all illegal  aliens. 
My  great, great grandfather watched as his friends  died in the Boer War.  My grandfather  watched and bled as his friends died in World  Wars 1&2.  I watched as my friends died  in Sierra Leone Bosnia, & Desert  Storm.  Our sons and daughters watched  & bled as their friends died in Afghanistan    and Iraq .   None of them died for the  Afghanistan and Iraq Flag..  Every Briton  died for the British flag.

At one high  school, foreign students raised a Middle East    flag on a school flag pole.  British  students took it down. Guess who was  expelled...
the  students who took it down.  
West  London high school students were sent home,  because they wore T-shirts with the Union Jack  flag printed on them.

What is going  on??   What idiots do we have in  authority??   Enough is enough.  

This  message needs to be viewed by every Brit; and  every Briton needs to stand up for Britian.  We've bent over to appease the Brit-haters long  enough.  I'm taking a stand.

I'm  standing up because of the millions who died  fighting in wars for this country, and for the  British flag.

And shame on anyone who  tries to make this a racist message.  IT IS  NOT !

Britons, stop giving away Your  RIGHTS !


This statement DOES NOT mean I'm against  immigration !

YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN  MY COUNTRY, welcome to come legally:  

1.  Get a sponsor  !
2. Learn the LANGUAGE,  as immigrants have in the past!
3. Live by  OUR rules !   Dress as we Britons Do 
4. Get a job !
5. Pay YOUR Taxes ! 
6. No Social Security until you have earned  it and paid for it !
7. Find a place to lay  your head !

If you don't want to forward  this for fear of offending someone, then YOU'RE  PART OF THE PROBLEM  !

We've gone  so far the other way... bent over backwards not  to offend anyone. 



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