Friday 16 November 2012

BNP – Blazing the trail for justice

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BNP – Blazing the trail for justice

Dear fellow patriots,
"Time and time again it's a white girl being raped by Muslim men." At last, the reality of the street grooming crisis is being recognised.
The latest person to wake up and repeat what the BNP and I have been saying since 2001 is Conservative MP for Keighley, Kris Hopkins.
It's great to see Establishment figures forced to speak our language, because every time one of them does, it raises expectations of action and makes even more ordinary people feel that they too can speak out.
When, as is sure to be the case, the Government fails to deliver, the public will still demand action – and they'll know exactly who to turn to in order to get it! 
But, you know, it's only thanks to us that natural-born cowards like Hopkins are finally speaking out.
He admitted it himself in the House of Commons yesterday:
"Time and time again it's a white girl being raped by Muslim men and if we deny that fact in this House then the BNP and everybody else climbs on board."
There is, of course, nobody else!
We first brought this scandal into the public eye while Mr Hopkins still had his head firmly buried in the sand.
We fought a General Election campaign on it in Keighley in 2005. We got councillors elected on it in the town. I was twice put on trial in Leeds Crown Court for speaking out about it in 2004.
And, as you know, we've kept on hammering away at this issue ever since, demanding justice for Charlene Downes and all the other victims of Muslim grooming gangs.
If it hadn't been for the dedicated and loyal support of people just like you helping us over all those years, the entire Establishment would still be denying that there's a problem.

As it is, together, we've made them break ranks. We've forced the police and courts to arrest and jail at least a few of the worst perpetrators. We've forced open the doors for even more effective action.
But we can't stop now.
If we do, then the Establishment voices still denying the issue will recover their poise and sweep the whole issue back under the carpet again.
Voices like that of Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi who told the House that even discussing the issue was "playing into the hands" of the BNP and claimed that the fact that the victims of abuse were white was "coincidental not deliberate".
The arrogant denial of creatures like Qureshi is not a victimless crime.
She went on to claim that "the victims in these cases are always the vulnerable ones. It's never the child who has got a secure happy family life."
This is a wicked comment on two levels:
First, it subtly shifts the blame from the Muslim predators and the useless state institutions onto the families of the victims.
Second, it helps to conceal the fact that, because a lot of girls in working class areas are now wise to the grooming danger, the gangs are now moving on to target girls in mobile phone shops.
Those girls need warning too, but the grooming deniers want to convince everyone that it only happens to poor kids from broken homes, so they are deliberately keeping quiet about this new aspect to the problem.
And they will get away with it – unless we stop them.
The good news is that the Young British National Party's (YBNP) brilliant pink grooming awareness leaflet is proving a huge success.
Since so many MPs are still denying so many young girls the knowledge they need to be safe, we are doing the job ourselves.
The bad news is that we we're completely out of stock. We're giving a lot of them free to young activists who can't afford to buy them, but are willing and able to put them out but can't afford to print them quickly enough.

Plus, there are many hundreds of schools where we don't have any activists nearby and which we can't reach. 
So I need your help to keep this operation going and you've got a simple choice of how:
Either contact us today and tell us of your decision to buy a small supply of leaflets and put them out yourself.
They are big, glossy things and so are quite expensive to ship, but you don't need a huge number to make the required impact and get a whole school talking about it. £10 will buy you enough to do the job!
Or, simply call and give a credit card donation to help pay for the new print run we need done before the end of this week. Any later and we would miss the boat.
A minimum print run of 25,000 will cost £1,500 but really we need to order at least 50,000.
For every £25 that you give we can supply young activists with the leaflets needed to do yet another entire school and warn another areas "white roses" of the danger.
I really believe in this campaign. And I believe that at least one person reading this appeal will share my belief and be able to make the special sacrifice that will make a special difference. Is that person you?
Just one donation, right now, of £500 would do that job. It would enable us to place our big extra order first thing in the morning.
It will set the ball rolling – it will warn and save hundreds if not thousands of young girls. They are our future. They are Britain's future.
I'm not asking you to risk prison in order to save them, but I am asking you to dig deep – right now!

Thank you for caring and for answering this call!
Nick Griffin
Chairman, British National Party

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British National Party | PO Box 213, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 7AL

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