Friday 18 October 2013

Free schools - a joke

The recent Ofsted report into the Al-Madinah school in Derby has demonstrated why the LibLabCon's Free Schools policy is a joke, and is a blatant attempt to cut spending by relying on private funding.

The problem is that the governors/funders of these schools are unaccountable - we don't even know who they are in some cases. It turns out the Derby Free school is brainwashing the kids with the usual Islamic nonsense, rather than teach the kids a broad range of subjects to enable them to get a job.

It turns out they are allowed to employ people as teachers who aren't even qualified to do the job which cannot be right. With so many Muslim Paedophiles around, would you want to send your kids to a school where there were no checks on the teachers?

We need to either get rid of these schools or at least put controls on the curriculum's they teach. We also need to make sure all teachers are background checked and qualified.

The BNP’s policy consists of the following building blocks:

- The restoration of discipline – including corporal punishment – uniforms, traditional teaching methods and stricter exams (e.g. ‘0? levels);
- The reintroduction of grammar schools with entrance exams at 11 and 13;
- The reversal of the programme to close special needs schools which penalises the most vulnerable;
- The reintroduction of competitive sports and daily Christian assemblies;
- The teaching of old-fashioned literacy skills (as opposed to clearly failed “modern” teaching methods);
- The teaching of old-fashioned mathematics skills which have practical application to everyday life;
- The teaching of a full curriculum of British history. This will instil in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain, and not the cherry-picked politically correct drivel being fed to children today;
- The abolition of fees and the restoration of full grants to university students studying proper subjects (as opposed to fake “social sciences”);
- The improvement of school food as proper meals have been shown to be linked to behaviour and achievement;
- The ending of the scandalous and racist neglect that has left working class white boys at the bottom of the table for academic achievement;
- The introduction of tax breaks for home-schooling parents or direct subsidies as their fair share of the education budget;
- The introduction of a compulsory Community Award Scheme for all school-leavers to teach them work ethics and social and community values. This would consist of work caring for the elderly or handicapped people, or environmental or heritage restoration projects, or military training. These courses would be character-building and instil discipline, social and community values and work ethics in all young people. Service in this scheme would entitle each individual to get ’something back’ from the society to which they have learnt to contribute, such as free university education, a properly supported apprenticeship, or business training and start-up capital for would-be entrepreneurs.

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