Tuesday 30 December 2014

Review of 2014 - Part 2 - Islamification of Britain

The  Islamification of Britain is getting worse every day. Gradually sharia law is being introduced into Britain by the marxist politicians. Halal products are being introduced by the back door to an unassuming public - this has to stop.

Only recently a school in Nottingham changed it's menu to be all halal without consulting parents. Why should non muslims be forced to eat ritually slaughtered meat?

Everything is becoming so politically correct that any constructive criticism of Islam is being condemned as being racist. This is the time to point out that Islam is NOT a race but a cult.

There seems to be a general crackdown on things that are non muslim such as alcohol. The latest step is for Nottingham City Council to start charging pubs that open after midnight - the disguise for this is apparently police costs.

We are allowing radical muslims to do whatever they want in this country and it has led to a much higher terrorism threat, increased child abuse cases and idiots going to abroad to fight against our country.

It is time Britain and Europe banned all further Muslim immigration, legal or illegal. Those needing to come for work purposes can be issued temporary visas.

It is time to ban all any future Muslim asylum seeking also and stem the Mosque building programme in action across Britain. 

It is time to end any public funding of Islamic faith schools and ban foreign donations to build Islamic schools and Mosques in this country and Europe.

Part 3 to follow tomorrow - the rise and fall of UKIP

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