Friday 3 April 2015

UK Mosque Map - Time To Stop The Expansion

This is a map of the mosques in the UK - and they are increasing daily!

It is all totally wrong - England is - and there will be trouble ahead, big time!

One thing is obvious, from their track record - the Lib/Lab/Con group refuse to protect us  -  as their solemn oath of office demands!

I hardly need to remind you all, that Sharia Law is most unpleasant! Mosques are also the Muslim Ruling and recruiting Offices and their Court, as well as their central armoury, barracks, training ground and centre for “praying”.

Praying 5 times a day is "not Christian or English" either...

Vote BNP to stop this take over


  1. What can us expats do in the usa?

  2. just like the two pointers being used to show mosques in Northern Ireland to be removed, they are prayer houses and are just normal houses, WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT ALLOW MOSQUES TO BE BUILT IN OUR COUNTRY,,,what you men of England have allowed to happen in your country will never be tolerated in mine, I do not see what all the fuss is about for it is obvious from what we see in Belfast you men of England have done nothing at all to stop Islam even your capital is run by a radical muslim, yet you do nothing, we here are of the opinion you men of England have betrayed the brave men of two wars who fought and died for your country for your freedom can you imagine what they would say if they could see what YOU MEN have allowed to happen to their great country, they would replace your poppies with white feathers,,,,,,, shame on you all,,,,, you have watched your capital city fall and for the past 20 years watched the mosque's get built all over your country and still you do nothing,,,,why bother posting at all YOU MEN OF ENGLAND HAVE ALLOWED ISLAM TO DO AS IT PLEASES IN YOUR COUNTRY AND YOU DO NOTHING,,,,,here endeth the lesson you reap what you sow,,,,,an English mans home is now another mans Mosque
