Saturday 13 August 2016

Speak English Or Get Out!

I'm fed up of hearing jibber-jabbering everywhere, especially in Nottingham. This is Britain so speak our languages or f**k off.

How much money do our councils and public services spend in translating documents into foreign languages so immigrants can understand it. You come to Britain, you speak English or f**k off. If you end up in a police cell and you don't understand, you are guilty and should be deported.

The business of this country is conducted in English so if you are an adult and you don't know English then you shouldn't be allowed into Britain. A fit and proper person test should include ability to speak the f**kin' language!

Why do we allow shops to have Polish (Prussian) or Arabic names? It should be stopped.

The Zionist scum go on about 'Multi-Cultureism' but without foreigners attempting to even speak English it's never going to work. It should become an offence to speak a foreign language in a public place in Britain.

Anyway, that's enough from me - I've kicked the cat 3 times during writing this article!

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