Saturday 17 September 2016

Send The Buggers Back!

What the hell are we doing? These boats full of migrants should not be rescued. Let the boats sink and let them drown. If they are rescued, they should be taken to where they came from and not helped to get across. Their boats should be destroyed.

Once one lot get across, it only encourages others - we need to close our borders now to everyone to give us breathing space to sort out border control out. I am in favour of erecting a series of lookout post and long range guns on the coast to take them out in the water. It could give our armed forces useful target practice! Maybe you could win a goldfish for a successful sinking?

Notes: I've stopped putting enriching crime stories on this blog because there are just too many! The crimes committed by foreign enrichers at an all time high and the only way to stop it getting worse is to close our borders and try and control the vermin already here. The only good news is that there seems to be an increase in shit on shit crime - different tribes falling out with each other which makes our job slightly easier.

Vote for the LibLabConUkip and you will carry on with the same stuff. Only a vote for the BNP means you are voting for a party which thinks differently and WILL address the immigration, crime and public service issues.

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