Sunday 2 October 2016

What's Happened To Our National Game?

Once upon a time, not so long ago, football was a game of the people, enjoyed by millions - I'm afraid to say we are a long way from there now. Football in England has become a vehicle for financial greed by all except the people who really matter, the fans.

Until recently, the players, managers and owners of the football clubs were from our communities. Some used to travel in with the fans. There is no chance of that now because the players, managers and owners are earning so much they travel to and from games in luxury. No-one knows who they are most of the time - how can we associate with them especially when a high percentage of them are from foreign lands?

How we have allowed virtually all of the premier league clubs to be owned by foreign owners (some of them dodgy to say the least) is beyond me. The money that is being generated by the clubs is certainly not staying in England. Tighter controls should be brought to stop foreign ownership of football clubs - the clubs belong to the local communities not any single person.

The Premier League in England have signed a billion pound TV deal so why are ticket prices so high? A cap was brought in on away ticket prices but what about home ones? Clubs should be forced to make some tickets available at cheaper prices.

The latest revelations about managers which has lead to the sacking of Sam Allardyce as England manager comes as no surprise. There is so much money floating around at the top of English football, it's no wonder there is corruption going on - there needs to be much more clarity on transfers and the involvement of players agents in transfers.

I used to look up to our national game, I used to go to football league matches every Saturday, home and away but the state of things now, I can no longer afford to go. And why would I want to go any more? The players, managers and owners are not of my community and most of them are not of my origins. If I watch any football matches now, it is non-league where the old traditions are still alive - it's affordable, the players often pay to play and there is a sense of community.

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