Saturday 25 March 2017

Here follows a recent contributors views on the British situation …

A 'Northern' Brexiters rantings (views of a simple working class man with limited articulation skills)

I just wanted to express to the establishment, as someone living in the United Kingdom, north of Watford Gap, as to why I voted for BREXIT.
A typical 'stereotype' piece of tax-payer funded scare-mongering propaganda by the Operation Black Vote
For decades & decades the 'southern' bubble has blatently disregarded / dismissed / ignored a vast amount of the WHOLE country – the country that we, the electorate, voted you to serve OUR best interests. Since the mid-seventies, the rise of militant / marxist unions that 'claim' to be serving the interests of their 'paying' members – well 'bollox' have they! – the leaders have lied threatened antagonilized members to either join or be ostrcised – threats! They've treated workers like sheeple - cannon fodder / barganing chips - used & abused for repeated strikes. They've infultrated all important avenues of the 'public sector' health , education, business & commerce.
The leftiests are in just as much cahoots as the 'so-called' conservatives – they're effectivelly ALL THE SAME – the self destruction of labour commenced many years ago, you know – the never ending strikes – ''what do we want?! - More Pay!!! - When Do We Want It? … NOW!!! etc etc. Well, I'm 'bloody' sick of it. - I've never been in a what they call a union - thank f@~k – I've never worked in the 'public sector'; I've never had such politically motivated safetly nets for job security (civil servants). We've had to work 'bloody hard' to try & make ends meet - & for what?! - Year on year tax rises, higher utility bills - constant misery.
Gedling Colliery pre-1992
We've seen the collapse of the manufacturing industies - cars / mining etc. What's replaced it? This idea that we are a 'services provider' ! Please tell us how the hell that works with no industry!? Do you mean bank roling businesses that members of parlament have 'interests' with?
How can you expect the NHS to continue being sustained with it's unbelieavble costs wastage – it's madness. The removal of nurse trainng colleges & techicals schools & colleges for the masses to get into trade and so on. It's all been 'sold off' to the cheapest bidder – i.e. foreigners - those with no rights (slaves to the system) – in the mean time countless millions of indiginous folk are left to fend for themselves – they're trying to eke a living on ZERO contracts or put their pitiful life savings (or what's left of them) into risky business ventures in a bid to keep above the parapet. These poor sods are in a desperate way – they can't, forever, pay the rising expensences bills. The public sector's sponging or milking off of tax payers monies is rapidly dwindling . We're neigh on broke. What are we paying taxes for? Council tax is up again by 5% - this can't continue – we're trying to budget / forcast for the future, but it's just impossible – the utilities service (electricity & gas) charges are 'scandalous'. Local services disappearing – why have so many childrens playgrounds been removed and replaced with shrub land!? 

Your precious oil, from the middle east can't last forever. The whole infrastructure is at breaking point.
Road user costs of running their vehilcles are becoming ridiculous now (road tax/insurance/recovery, etc). On top of all this, labour have encouraged the mass influx of millions of refugees & migrants – to basically 'rub our noses in diversity.' Wha's this achived? Masses of crummy fast food-restaurant outlets / excessive amounts of taxpayer funded private/public taxis, inferior low-cost foods & a break down of social cohension between those ''self-segregating'' invaders leading to mistrust, tensions, cultural over-spill/clashes. In the potpourii secular hellhole we're expected to carry on like lemmings, thinking everything is 'hunkydory'?

We have the Saudi-loving parliament, sucking up to wahabism. Arabs are tribal – shias & sunnis will be forever at each others throats – we don't want it on our streets against our own peoples! Some nice 'arms deals' there though – eh. Prisons disproportionately occupied by moslems – many radicalizing other 'non-beliver' inmates. So-called 'community centres' & mosques popping up everywhere, apparently a great bonus to the 'community' (whatever 'community' that is – it ain't OURS!).
Europe is destroying itself – the shengin agreement is suicide – bring back independent states and their border controls. If you're british, you place your allegiance with queen & country.
This bull crap that anyone with a differing opinion to this fabianist / 'frankfurt school' of thought have to shut down debate whether it be bigoted ranting religious goons/apologists / the media (press-radio-tv) / educational systems / public sector (trade unions – MGB, Unison & the like). Internet search engines tailored / doctored to 'enlighten' the masses to 'their' train of thought NOT an alternative narrative.

Incomers 'waving the human rights card' all the time – branding concerned individuals as being uncouth racicst-bigoted / ignoramuses - uneducated simpletons. Peoples concerned for their own futures branded xenophobic 'white' (oh yes bring colour into it, why don't you) islamophobes & so it goes on & on, ad nausiam. They're more concerned about the protection of radicalized militants ANTIFA / socialist worker / the so-called liberal progressives; the garb from 'Hope Not Hate' / islamists / marxists & any other gullible-like, than their own people!!!
Bloody hypocritical tyrannical regime is what we actually have – this is no 'democracy.'

Wake up people. Even that terrorist, with bloodied hands, could see that '… your government doesn't care about YOU'. Enraged anon.

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