Friday 30 March 2012

LOUD AND CLEAR: BNP fight big election campaign

British National Party
LOUD AND CLEAR: BNP fight big election campaign
Dear Patriots, 
We are defiant. We are determined. We are united. We are fighting one of our biggest and best election campaigns ever. And our showing in the opinion polls in London is the best ever!
The enemies of our people were keen to write us off. “The BNP is finished” they crowed. They really thought that they had us beaten. But as always, they were wrong!
Because we have news for those traitors; The British National Party has lodged £31,000 of deposits for the London Mayoral, GLA list and a record 6 constituency seats across London this year. A ‘poll of polls’ run by a total of forty local newspapers in London puts our level of support for the London mayoral race at nearly twice that of the Lib Dems and more than twice that of UKIP.
The Truth Truck you paid for is on the road every day, taking our message of hope to every corner of our capital city. Our activists are out delivering hundreds of thousands of leaflets. Our message of hope is being received loud and clear.
How did our opponents get it so wrong? The answer is very simple. They didn’t take our key resource, our secret weapon, into account – you.
We couldn’t have raised the large amount of money for those election deposits without the unwavering support of our members and supporters. You make the difference; Thank you to those who responded so generously to our last minute appeal for £5,000 and to all those who gave before.
We know times are tough. We appreciate the small donations as well as the larger ones. We know that everyone gives as much as they can afford.
The good news doesn’t stop with London. We are fighting local council seats in every region again this year with some key seats we need to defend and others we’re fighting hard to win.
County and District Cllr Sharon Wilkinson is defending her Hapton district seat in Burnley for a record third time this year. If there is any justice in this world she should win comfortably. Sharon has done a great job for local people.
We can’t rest on our laurels though. We have other district seats to defend in Pendle where another long time party stalwart Cllr Parker is running a superb campaign to defend our second Pendle district seat.
We are also fighting seats in Wales, Scotland, the North East, Yorkshire, East and West Midlands, the South East, North West and the South West.
If all that wasn’t keeping us busy enough we also have two high profile Mayoral Elections in the North West in May; in Liverpool and Salford and we MUST be in those fights as they are two of the major cities in our stronghold.
To fight these campaigns isn’t cheap. We need money to give our candidates a chance of winning seats. We need to support people like Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr Parker who have served their communities so well and deserve re-election.
Our enemies will spend a fortune to try to deny us victory. Don’t let them win. Our communities need to be represented by proud, dedicated, and caring BNP men and women. Give whatever you can afford, because with your help, we can win. Just ring 0844 809 4581 and donate. If lines are busy, please try again.
As well as writing this to you today, I have also been studying our Management Accounts for last year. They make great reading and shows a fantastic turnaround from the previous couple of years, when we were badly over-stretched.
We will be sending a full report out to all members shortly, but for the time being I can tell you that not only will last year’s accounts be submitted to the Electoral Commission early this summer – the first time in our entire history – and that they will show that in 2011 we ran an operational surplus for the first time since 2004. We turned around the £400,000 loss two years ago to get in the operational black! Full management accounts will be landing on all members and donors doormats tomorrow with this months B.N.
The future of the party is secure, so now we’re moving ahead with renewed confidence. And, let’s face it; we need to, because there has never been a greater need or potential for our British National Party.
Yours sincerely,

Nick Griffin MEP
British National Party Leader

PS: Thanks to all who sent us stamps we are now sending waves of targeted mail shots, not just to London but also to help our long term elected councillors like Sharon Wilkinson retain their seats. So please, as well as your most generous donation, send us as many books of second class stamps as you can. Each stamp you can send us will be another guaranteed targeted mail shot to a key elector.
Post your stamps to PO BOX 213 Wigton, CA7 7AL
Take action today to secure a British future for your children and grandchildren.

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British National Party 2011. PO Box 213, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 7AL

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